Saturday, March 20, 2010

any answers?

since this is my 1st blog where to start? how about with the furor or as he is sometimes know the President. I'm sure hes a nice enough guy and loves his wife and kids and Elvis but he sure seems to hate America and its people. i have served in the USMC for 6 years long ago and it makes me sick to see a ,what amounts to a party planner, run this country into the ground and go blatantly AGAINST the will of the people. Most everybody i talk to are simply against this new health care packing that the ruling council has "deemed" needed for us and yet they continue to push it through like we cant think for ourselves. If anybody has an answer for that let me know im all ears.
     Not to mention his partner in crime,and yes it IS a crime. one nancy pulosi. i used lower case on purpose and i hope i spelled her name wrong she deserves nothing more. Explain to me how the senate well her to be precise can "deem" somthing passed having never voted on it. Dont we learn that a vote is needed to pass anything in like 4th grade social studies??
      These people have quadrupled the size of government in about a year and have increased the deficit by something like 2.5 trillion dollars,thats alot of zeros people. And all of this in about a year. Scared yet?? People say give him time and see what happens. hmmmm,any MORE time and we just might be so far in dedt that our great great grand kids will still be paying for it.
   Heres an idea. Lets ALL do what the constitution SAYS we can do and fire these people here and now.We might wanna do it soon before this party planner bastardizes the constitution so much that we no longer HAVE one.
   Just sickens me to have  a President who is a liar a thief a socialist and has ZERO respect for the American people. Now if you need a person to plan a block party hes your guy but if you want  a government "of the people by the people and FOR the people" then the furor is NOT your guy
   People wanted change when they voted him in well hang on have your change
   If i still have freedom of speech i will post more later and if not??...

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